Sustainable Self-Care: How to Choose Eco-Friendly Practice

Author: Natasha JafariIn a world that promotes buying more, doing more, and being more, finding genuine self-care practices that align with both our well-being and the Earth’s sustainability is more crucial than ever. Sustainable Self-Care is gentle, accessible, and—most importantly—sustainable, not just for us but for every life form and our planet.It's…

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5 Surprising Ways Creative Expression Transforms Women’s Lives

Author: Natasha JafariLife is a rollercoaster, isn't it? One minute you're up; the next, you're down. It's thrilling, yet a bit scary. But guess what? Just like in art, it's the ups and downs that make life beautiful. So, how do you keep your spirits up when the ride gets bumpy? Let's explore…

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How Being Thankful Can Transform Your Life

  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 6, 2023
  • Post category:blog
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Author: Negin M. KhorasaniEnjoy the little things. For one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert BraultIn a world filled with stress and challenges, gratitude stands as a beacon of positivity. It's a simple yet profoundly transformative practice that can enhance our lives in remarkable…

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Change Your Story

  • Post author:
  • Post published:January 8, 2023
  • Post category:blog
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:8 mins read

As we begin a brand-new year, it feels like a clean slate is before us yet again. It’s true that each of us have our own story. Collectively, each family, group, ethnicity, and nation carry their memories, emotional residue of past events and collective samskara or karma and we are practically still dealing with our realities that are the result of choices made in the past.

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Living Inside Out: Finding Joy in Every Moment

Are you feeling enthusiastic and motivated to do what you need to do every day? Unfortunately, the answer to this question for most of us is “No”! That’s because we think we know what we are seeking and what we want to be, or to have, and now we just need to work hard in that direction.

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